Saturday, June 6, 2020

KBTalking Pro Quickstart guide

Found a legacy card while doing the housekeeping...

If you have a KBTalking Pro USB + Bluetooth mechanical keyboards and you have forgotten the setup steps, the following quick start guide may help you.

If you have the Cap Lock key blue light blinking, you may have (accidentally) lock the keyboard. Press Fn+ - (minus on number pad) to unlock!

Monday, May 25, 2020

wireshark foo plugin (on Windows10)

wireshark foo plugin (on Windows10)

  • Note: In case, you can't use the cmake from command prompt after installation, you need to first uninstall it and then install again using  $ choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
  • All the build steps must execute under the vs2019 env CMD

Source of information

KBTalking Pro Quickstart guide

Found a legacy card while doing the housekeeping... If you have a KBTalking Pro USB + Bluetooth mechanical keyboards and you have...